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預告|CAA & DUS 雕塑工作坊

  CAA&DUS Sculpture Workshop invited Gregor Schneider’s Studio and Interdisciplinary Sculpture Studio to carry out multi-dimensional teaching exchange, and present corresponding academic exhibition. Starting from the characteristics of their respective studios, they will keep close contact with each other in the form of on-site creation during the 12-day project, and integrate different views into an open workspace through different media and experiments. It’s hoped that this mode of workshop will provide a firm background for further exchanges in the future.
  Invisible Dead Room
  Gregor Schneider
  2019.5.28 18:30
  Host:Lingsheng Ban
  Lecture Hall of CAA
  School of Sculpture & Public Art of CAA, Kunstakademie Düsseldorf
  格雷戈爾·施耐德是“建造空間藝術”的先驅,也是同時代最重要的德國藝術家之一。從1985年至今,施耐德一直致力于一座位于門興格拉德巴赫-萊特城街上的房子改造工作。他通過在其他房間中建造房間來完整地復制現(xiàn)有的房間。對參觀者而言,這些猶如復制品一般的房間并不是作為房間內(nèi)的房間那樣呈現(xiàn)。 他還使用機械裝置將房間內(nèi)的元素移出視線范圍,制造出了空心和間隙的效果。有些房間無法進入 ,它們嵌藏在墻壁的后面,有些房間被混凝土、管道、 隔熱材料或吸音材料隔離開來。通過外部固定的燈光,模擬了一天當中的不同時刻。呈現(xiàn)“瀕死之屋”(Dying Room)的概念受到很多爭議。死亡和瀕臨死亡是他作品中的重要組成部分,參觀者在面對自身的恐懼時,被瞬間拋擲回了自我。
  2001年,他在德國館展出的作品Totes Haus u r 獲得了威尼斯雙年展金獅獎。1999年至2003年間,他曾在阿姆斯特丹藝術駐地機構De Ateliers,漢堡造型藝術學院和哥本哈根皇家丹麥美術學院擔任客座教授。2009年他被任命為柏林藝術大學雕塑專業(yè)教授。自2012年起他被任命為慕尼黑藝術學院雕塑專業(yè)教授;2016年他起被任命為德國杜塞爾多夫藝術學院雕塑專業(yè)教授。他是北萊茵-威斯特法倫州科學人文和藝術學院的成員。2018年5月他當選為柏林藝術學院視覺藝術系的新成員。
  Gregor Schneider is a pioneer of built art rooms and one of the most important German artists of his generation. Since 1985 Schneider has been working on the house on Unterheydener Strae in Mnchengladbach-Rheydt. He replicated existing rooms by building rooms in their entirety within other rooms. These double rooms are not visible as rooms within rooms to the viewer. Using machinery he also moves elements of the rooms out of sight. This results in hollows and interspaces. Some rooms become inaccessible, because they are hidden behind walls and some have been isolated using concrete, plumbing, insulation or sound absorbing materials. Different times of day have also been simulated. There has been much controversy around his ideas for a dying room. Death and dying are an important part of his work and visitors are thrown back on themselves, confronted with their own fears. Gregor Schneider will speak about his artistic vision of a Gesamtkunstwerk. In 2001, he was awarded the Golden Lion at the Venice Biennale for his work Totes Haus u r exhibited at the German Pavilion. From 1999 to 2003, he was guest professor at several art schools including De Ateliers in Amsterdam, the Academy of Fine Arts Hamburg and the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Copenhagen. He has been nominated professor of sculpture at the University of Art Berlin in 2009, since 2012 at the Akademie of fine art Munich and since 2016 Akademie Düsseldorf. He is a member of the North Rhine-Westphalian Academy of Sciences, Humanities and the Arts.In May 2018, Schneider was elected as a new member of the Visual Arts Section on the Berlin Academy of Arts.
  開幕:2019年6月1日 17:00
  Opening: 2019.6.1 17:00
  Location: SANSHANG Contemporary Art Museum (No. 52-2, Yan 'an road, Hangzhou)
  Sponsor: School of Sculpture & Public Art of CAA, Kunstakademie Düsseldorf
  張?zhí)?br />   劉易
  Philipp Boshart
  Michel Büchsenmann
  Nils-Simon Fischer
  Yal Kempf
  Li Yi
  Andrea Marcellier
  Ren Pan
  Moritz Riesenbeck
  Deniz Saridas
  Mona Schulzek
  Ji hyung Song
  Donja Nasseri
  Aljoscha Lahner
  Jana Jess
  Steffen Jopp
  Yang Naiyun
  Yiy Zhang
  中國 杭州市延安路52-2號 吳山綜合樓
  NO.52-2,Yan’an Rd. Hangzhou.310002.China
更新時間:2019-05-28 07:40:52